



In order for a contractor to apply for a building permit or to work in Charlotte County, 承包商必须持有有效的承包商执照, 一般责任保险和工伤保险. 这适用于所有类型的承包商. 仅仅因为一个人在电话簿或报纸上登了广告, 并不意味着他们持有承包商执照. 电话公司和报纸都没有证实承包商是否有执照. 持牌承建商为其工作取得建筑许可证. This work is then required to be inspected by Charlotte County State Certified Building Inspectors which insures the consumer that the contractor has met all local and state building codes.


​You can identify a valid contractor’s license issued by Charlotte County since it will have printed at the top of the license the following: 欧博体育官网建筑部门,合格证书 (合格证书是本地签发的承建商执照). 它还会有承包商的名字, address, 公司名称, 截止日期, 承包商的数量, 许可证的类型, e.g. 电气,油漆,屋顶,木工等.

You can identify a valid contractor’s license issued by the State of Florida as it will have printed at the top of the license the following: 佛罗里达州商业和专业监管部,其次是承包商编号、签发日期、许可证类型等.g. 总承包商、电气承包商、屋面承包商等., name of the contractor, name of the business, if applicable, and the 截止日期 at the bottom.

当地营业税收据(BTR), 取代了职业执照, 是欧博体育官网颁发的,不是承包商执照吗. 这是一种税. 有关当地营业税收据的更多信息, 请致电941与税务处联络.743.1350.

核实个人或公司是否有牌照及保险, 你可以打电话给建筑工程部, 牌照组,电话941.743.在早上7:30到下午4:30之间, 星期一至星期五,假期除外; or, 使用我们的网上服务 搜寻有能力进行工作的承建商名单.


​The hiring of an unlicensed contractor is the direct responsibility of the consumer; thus, 消费者对与承包商工作相关的所有结果负责. 这往往导致不安全和危险的施工和, 最终, 消费者的额外成本. 消费者, 谁雇用无牌承建商或未能取得所需的许可证和检查, could be fined or subjected to a quasi-judicial hearing in front of the Charlotte County Code Enforcement Board.

如果你的工作没有获得许可证, 工程有可能不符合规定的《欧博体育平台》, 哪些可能导致不安全和危险的情况. Since unlicensed contractors do not go through the process of obtaining a contractor’s license, they are not aware of the required construction standards understood and adhered to by licensed contractors. 这导致劣质和不合格的工艺.Work performed by unlicensed contractors is often substandard and ultimately leads to costly repairs and corrections that require the service of a licensed contractor. The consumer then ends up paying more for the job than if they had hired a licensed contractor.

If a consumer hires an unlicensed contractor and the contractor or one of his employees is injured on your job site the consumer may be held liable for these injuries. Usually unlicensed contractors do not carry liability insurance for damages to your property.


  • 无证承包商可能要求一大笔现金首付款, 或者在做任何工作之前开一张现金支票. 他们甚至会开车送你去银行取钱.
  • Unlicensed contractors will ask you to obtain the permit or advise you that you don’t need a permit. 麻烦你打941给县建筑部门.743.1201, the staff will be more than happy to advise you whether or not a permit is required for your particular job.
  • Unlicensed contractors often will not provide the consumer with a written contract or guarantee.
  • Unlicensed contractors will not have a valid 承包商的数量 on their contracts or advertisements, 这是州和县法律规定的.
  • 无证承包商经常想在周末做建筑工作.
  • 如果你立即签约,无执照的承包商可能会承诺给你很大的折扣.
  • Beware of a contractor who claims to have just completed a job down the street and has materials left over from that job who offers to do the work cheap.
  • 如果承包商有一个没有街道地址的邮局地址,就要小心了, 或者说是当地一家汽车旅馆的地址.
  • 当心那些想要免费上门检查的人. Always verify that they are a licensed contractor prior to allowing them to do such inspections.
  • 谨防有人索求维修屋顶、铺路或铺路.
  • 小心那些想把你的家作为示范模型的承包商.
  • Unlicensed contractors usually do not carry general liability or worker’s compensation insurance.
  • 无牌承建商的目标客户通常是老年人、无知人士、年轻人和缺乏经验的人.
  • 无牌承包商通常使用无标志的货车或卡车.

经常, unlicensed contractors will become abusive and threatening when you refuse to do business with them. 如果发生这种事请打941给警长办公室.639.2101,如果有紧急情况请拨打911. 拨打941.743.1201如果有人接近你或怀疑你正在与无牌承包商打交道.

Do not give a deposit or sign a contract until you have confirmed that the contractor is licensed. 让承包商把合同交给你,第二天再来. 这让你有时间在没有压力或恐吓的情况下仔细看一遍. 另外,请致电941与建筑工程部联络.743.1201 if you suspect a possible problem or if you would like to check if the contractor has the proper license.


谨防家庭推销,无论是电话推销还是上门推销.这些承包商经常以老年人为猎物. 事实上, 在工作的不同方面似乎有一个承包商网络, 如, 空调, 屋面, 绘画, 水处理销售, 等. 特别是依靠电话和上门销售来开展业务. (但并非所有从事手机销售的承包商都不道德, 处理电话或上门游说时, 人们应该非常小心.
These contractors will often have a local phone number that is forwarded to an answering service. 请致电941给承建商牌照局.743.1201,周一至周五,早上7:30.m. - 4:30 p.m. 会核实你是在和本地还是外地的承包商打交道.

一旦卖给了房主, it is believed that the contractors then pass this information onto other unscrupulous contractors who then attempt to have you purchase their services. These contractors will then return to your residence year after year in attempts to have you purchase additional services. 经常, they will advise you that they will only charge you for labor and that the materials will be covered under your warranty. 人工成本通常和原来的工作一样多.

These contractors will often spend a lot of time with the customer in attempts to gather personal information that can then be passed unto others. They often employ high-pressure salesmen that will not leave until a contract is signed. 高压销售策略通常包括使用多个销售人员. 如果你感到有压力,建议推销员离开. 如果销售员没有离开,或者你觉得受到了威胁, 请立即拨打941与警局联系.639.夏洛特港和蓬塔戈尔达的2101或941.475.9点5分在恩格尔伍德.

请记住,您有七十二(72)小时的时间来取消家庭招标合同. 你必须给承包商写封信,说明你想取消这笔买卖. 这封信必须通过挂号信发送,并要求回执. 你一定要保留这封信的副本以作记录. 在某些情况下, 比如房子和屋顶的油漆, 承包商会让你在合同上签字,然后他们第二天就开始工作. If this is the case, you are still able to use the seventy-two hour (72) cancellation clause. This division also recommends that you immediately 联系 the contractor by phone and advise them that you are canceling the sale and that you are sending certified mail advising the same. 承包商必须退还任何保证金.

If you have an questions or concerns 联系 the Charlotte County Code Compliance Division at 941.743.1201,周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.,假期除外.


代码合规 ​941.743.120​1
承建商是否持牌 & 被保险人? 941.​743.1201
是否需要建筑许可证或已发出建筑许可证?​ 941.​743.1201
夏洛特港或蓬塔戈达港 ​941.639.2101
恩格尔伍德 ​941.475.9005
紧急情况请拨: ​911

以避免大多数销售招揽电话, consumers can register with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). 所有在佛罗里达州工作的律师, 慈善机构除外, 报纸, 房地产专业人士回应庭院标志或广告, 或有关现有债务或合同的电话, 禁止拨打此列表上的号码. 初始费用为10美元,年续费为5美元.

报名请拨打800.435.7352或写信给FDACS, 消费者服务部, 梅奥建筑, 塔拉哈西, 佛罗里达州32399 - 0800. FDACS负责本法的执行, NOT your local telephone company (paraphrased from page 15 of the Information Pages of the November 1999 Sprint Telephone Directory).


  • ​Always get three (3) bids or estimates before signing a contract or giving the contractor a deposit.

  • 致电屋宇署承建商牌照科941.743.1201查询承包商是否有有效的承包商执照和保险.

  • Each contractor should have a 承包商的数量 listed on his contract that you can use to verify with the 许可 Division.

  • 确保要做的工作在合同上以书面形式写下来,不管有多小.

  • 确保所有的保证都列在合同上,而不是口头上.

  • 确保你阅读了合同上的所有细则并理解它们, 或者让你的承包商在你签合同之前解释一下.

  • Include in the contract that the contractor will supply you with a Contractor’s Final Affidavit (of no liens) when the job is completed and at the same time you give him the final payment.

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